Fall foliage tour to Japan to be launched in January

In January, I will be announcing details of the long-awaited fall-foliage tour to Japan.
This will probably be a 12 day trip to Japan in November to see the fabulous fall foliage colours in major centres, such as Kyoto, Takayama, Hiroshima and Kanazawa as well as the beautiful island destination of Miyajima.
The tour will start in Tokyo and will visit key places along the route such as Mount Fuji and famous shrines and temples as well as seasonal festivals that will be under way at this time of year.
Foliage colour in Japan in fall is amazing
Please come back here next month and see full details and finalized dates of the tour, which will also be announced on other social media.
This will be my second trip tp Japan. The last time was to see cherry blossoms in spring but the changing colours of trees and shrubs in the fall is equally spectacular and turns the picturesque gardens and parks and streetscapes of Japan into unforgettable scenes of transcendent beauty.
It is a treat that most people only experience in photos. This will be an opportunity to see this wonderful spectacle in reality.
Fall colours in Kanazawa
We already have a list of people who have asked to be included on this tour and will be receiving advanced notification.
However, if you are keen to add this trip to your schedule for 2018, please send a quick note of interest to me at swhysall@hotmail.com

I am also looking at a pre-tour add-odd to South Korea in advance of the Japan tour. More details about this will be available when the Japan tour is announced.


Fall colours around the lake at the Ryoan-ji Garden in Kyoto
Mount Fuji in the fall.