Hurrah for Garden Starters


I just received by shipment of “plug plants” packages from Garden Starters, the mail-out service provided by DeVry’s Greenhouses, of Chilliwack.

This is a new service that allows you to select annuals, herbs and vegetables and have them grown for you and delivered as baby “plug plants” to your door.

It is an interesting way of buying plants online. The saving is in the cost of plants and the time it takes you to drive to the garden centre and home again.

I like the quality of the plant materials and the diverse selection. As well, I loved the convenience of having them delivered to my door.

You can check out this service by going to Let me know how it works out for you.

By the way, if you use my name, I think you get a little discount, not that I am working for DeVry’s or anything. It is just that they were so pleased that I wrote about them some time ago, they want to reward any customers coming via me.

Isn’t that nice.