Our next garden tour adventure will be to Southern England and the Channel Islands from May 14 to 27, 2023.
Many people have already booked a spot on this tour but there is still time for you to sign on if you’d like to join us.
The hotels have agreed to save space for extra guests, but there is, naturally, a limit to how long we can keep the tour open.

We just returned from our very successful Sicily-Malta Tour in September. This was launched in June at the same time as the Southern England/Channel Islands tour and even though time was short, we had an excellent group of traveling companions.
You can read all about this tour and the excellent day-to-day activities and more by clicking here.
You’ll also find featured on my website here many other previous tours, so you can get a very clear idea of what fun the Southern England tour will be and what a rich assortment of places we like to visit.’ Click here to see total list of past tours.
I know I call these trips “garden tours” but it is certainly not all gardens. Gardens are the linking theme that connects all the dots. But we also focus on places of historical, cultural and artistic interest, including beautiful works of architecture and places of exceptional picturesque and geographic significance as well as destinations that are purely quirky or fun with a unique or entertaining activities, such as train and boat rides.

The Southern England-Channel Islands Tour will be an exploration of what I consider the heart of old England.
It will be a journey into the core of where all of England began – in Alfred the Great’s Wessex – and all that is associated with that region.

That includes beautiful, picturesque villages and towns in and around the classy English county of Dorset as well as the Jurassic Coast and all the fabulous literary and cultural connections of the area. Yes, I’m thinking of Thomas Hardy, but there are others: JRR Tolkien and Poole, Jane Austin and Lyme Regis, Mary Shelley and Bournemouth.

The Channel Islands – Guernsey, Jersey and Sark – are exquisite in their own right and have exceptional cultural and historical associations, including novelist Victor Hugo and zookeeper and naturalist Gerald Durrell, of the Durrells of Corfu fame
The Southern England tour will start in London on May 14 before moving west into the best of England’s countryside in the county of Dorset.
From there, we will move to the Channel Islands for a fun exploration of Jersey, Guernsey and Sark, three islands that have a unique English-French atmosphere.

The price for the Southern England Tour is $7,794 per person for double occupancy; $9,218 for singe occupancy.
I could go on and on here, but I think the itinerary speaks for itself. It contains much more than I can say here. Request a copy by emailing me at swhysall@hotmail.com.
I am, of course, as always, happy to answer questions. I see these tours as a wonderful opportunity for us all to reconnect and have fun travelling together in a safe and well organized way with likeminded people.
I promise you that your experiences will leave you with lovely, golden memories that will be precious and unforgettable. Yes, these are trips of a lifetime.
Our agent, Lyle Truden, of Worldgo Travel, has put together a new team to help me with this. You can reach him at lyle.truden@worldgo.ca.