What kind of first impression does your garden make?
The entrance is an important first feature. Being the first thing visitors see, it sets the tone for what is to come.
Like all first impressions, an entrance can say a lot about who you are. In a glance, it give ups clues to the kind of style and detail likely to be found inside.
Entrance to another corner of Bodnant Garden.
Here’s a quick look at a variety of quality garden entrances. Even the ones that are rather grand have a charming intimacy.
In general, I prefer a low-key, humble, no-fuss entrance to an extravagant, in-your-face, grandiose first encounter.
However, there are some exceptions. For instance, you’ll see featured here the entrance to this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. It deliberately went for an over-the-top, exuberant floral first impression, calculated to leave you gasping with admiration and maybe a little awed.
But I guess entering Chelsea is more like going to a West End show than popping into a snoozy Cotswolds garden tea party, so it is an exception to the rule that makes sense.
Anyway, take a look at the other entrances shown here and see if there is a style you like.