I love hostas. They look fantastic in the garden. But they also look terrific in containers. I grow too many of them. Scattered all over the garden. But I love seeing them displayed on their own as single specimens in a nice container. Blues are my favourite. I love Hadspen Blue and Halcyon, Krossa Regal and Elegans.
I also have a soft spot for yellow-leaf hostas, especially Sum and Substance.
When I started gardening, my first hosta was the common green and white variegated Fortunei.
It wasn’t long before I fell for more creamy blue-green variegated ones like Frances Williams, but I have also succumbed to striking variegated varieties such as June and Patriot.
I’m a sucker too for hostas with beautiful white fragrant flowers, such as Hosta plantaginea, and ones with thick crinkly leaves like Elegans.
I have not kept up on hostas as much as I should have. It is really a fabulous plant group and I think I ought to find room for many new kinds.
If you’re excited about them, too, you should take a trip out to Pam Erikson’s Daylilly Garden at 24642 51 Ave, Langley. Pam specialized in growing daylilies (hemerocallis) but she also has built a vast hosta collection and now sells some of the best and most unusual varieties as well as the newest and most cutting-edge cultivars like the mighty Empress Wu and Abiqua Drinking Gourd and the “mouse ears” series – ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, ‘Frosted Mouse Ears’, ‘Holy Mouse Ears’, ‘Cat and Mouse’ and ‘Mighty Mouse’.